Slipstream: Rogue Space


An animated portrait of the Bear character running

BearSturdy Brawler

  • Health: 75
  • Shields: 50
  • Defense: 8
  • Gunnery: 10
  • Combat: 40
  • Repairs: 10
  • Speed: 22

Don't let the cute muzzle fool you: this tank packs a thick hide and a loud gun. Bears specialize in clearing invaders with extreme prejudice.

An animated portrait of the Cat character running

CatArtillery Ace

  • Health: 50
  • Shields: 50
  • Defense: 8
  • Gunnery: 20
  • Combat: 10
  • Repairs: 10
  • Speed: 25

Cats are elite gunners, analyzing enemy weaknesses for maximum damage. Just don't expect party animals; Cats prefer a laptop and a fresh cup of tea.

An animated portrait of the Crocodile character running

CrocodileSpeedy Brawler

  • Health: 45
  • Shields: 45
  • Defense: 8
  • Gunnery: 10
  • Combat: 25
  • Repairs: 10
  • Speed: 40

When danger appears, Crocs sprint straight for it. More brave than brainy, Crocs are both speedy and deadly with a blaster.

An animated portrait of the Hamster character running

HamsterSpeedy Mechanic

  • Health: 40
  • Shields: 40
  • Defense: 8
  • Gunnery: 10
  • Combat: 10
  • Repairs: 15
  • Speed: 52

Blink and you'll miss this eager mechanic. Fastest of the crew and engineer-in-training, Hamsters zip around the ship in a blur of enthusiasm.

An animated portrait of the Octopus character running

OctopusMaster Mechanic

  • Health: 50
  • Shields: 50
  • Defense: 8
  • Gunnery: 10
  • Combat: 10
  • Repairs: 30
  • Speed: 25

Eight arms mean lightning quick repairs for all your ship's systems. Nervous by nature, Octos still enjoy swims with best pal Turt.

An animated portrait of the Turtle character running

TurtleShield Expert

  • Health: 50
  • Shields: 80
  • Defense: 22
  • Gunnery: 10
  • Combat: 10
  • Repairs: 13
  • Speed: 21

A thick shell and a positive attitude: Turtles were born for shields. Don't forget to thank these friendly engineers as they supercharge your defenses.

An animated portrait of the Koala character running

KoalaMobile Medic

  • Health: 60
  • Shields: 50
  • Defense: 8
  • Gunnery: 10
  • Combat: 10
  • Repairs: 10
  • Speed: 40

Highly trained field medics essential to any fight. Also fuzzy, prone to napping, and often spotted gnawing on those minty green gems...

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